Writer Unleashed

#211:Cause and Effect: A Character Driven Approach To Plot

Nanci Panuccio Season 5

Cause and effect is one of the major tenets of a cohesive plot so everything is knit together to shape your story.

Every cause leads to an effect.

It's often described as a chain reaction. One event leads to another, and another and another.

But when we think of cause and effect solely in what happens, we're missing a big piece of the story.  When taken at face value, cause and effect can lead to relatively shallow stories where things just happen to the characters. The characters feel more like pawns to move the plot forward.

 So what do we mean by cause, and what do we mean by effect? What's the cause? What's the effect?

In today's episode, we'll go deeper so that you can use cause and effect more effectively.

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